Inmates of Tulsipur Prison in Dang have been diagnosed with diabetes. The disease has been found in 22 inmates of the jail. Mahesh Kumar Khanal, acting director of the provincial Ayurveda hospital, said that the diabetes level of five of them was out of control. "When we checked the health of the diabetics in the prison, 22 of them were diagnosed with diabetes," he said. "Five of them were out of control."
On Saturday, with the technical assistance of the Provincial Ayurveda Hospital in Vijauri, free health check-ups and Ayurvedic medicines were provided to the inmates. He was also advised to pay attention to physical exercise and diet, said Dr. Khanal, Acting Director of the hospital.
The heart, kidney and cholesterol of the prisoners were also checked. Of them, six were found to have high levels of fat and one had minor heart problems, said Dr Khanal. The hospital has now run the camp giving priority to diabetic patients. The goal is to test 300 patients for free this month. He said that the diabetes screening service has been started from the hospital every day from 8 am.