A court has ordered to keep three people in custody, including the ward chairman, arrested for murdering a woman in Rukumpur. A bench of Rukumkot District Court Judge Sanat Chandra Lawat had remanded in custody three persons including Kumar Singh Budha, newly elected ward chairman of Uttarganga Gaonpalika-11, Putha of Rukum East.
On Monday, the court remanded Jaya Bahadur Budha and his brother Arjun Budha in custody for trial. Chief of the District Police Office, Rukumpur, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Prakash Dangi, said that they have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of 39-year-old Dunthi Budha of Putha Uttarganga Gaonpalika-10. Police had arrested them on the charge of abducting and killing Junmaya Budha, a Maoist cadres on May 2 to settle a dispute during the local election campaign in Putha Uttarganga Gaonpalika-10 Taksera.
A case was registered against 20 unnamed persons including them and three others were arrested on May 11. Kumar Singh Budha, who won the ward chairmanship, was still in police custody during the polling period. While searching for the abducted, the locals found the body in the forest about four kilometers from Taksera and informed the police. The body of Junmaya Budha was taken to Lumbini Regional Hospital, Butwal for autopsy. Singh, who is in jail, was elected from the UCPN (Maoist) center in the May 13 election. He was arrested before the election was held.