Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, Narayan Kaji Shrestha, has said a big conspiracy is being hatched to reverse changes achieved following a long struggle.
In his address to a programme organized on the commemoration of the Gorkha earthquake at Barpak Sulikot rural municipality in Gorkha today, the Minister said time demanded the people overcome all such attempts for regression and protect the achievements.
"Political parties have contributed largely for bringing 'epoch-making' changes in the nation and it is urgently needed to resist all efforts to invalidate the accomplishments", said the leader who took time to vow that the incumbent government would ensure further changes and transformation in the country.
"Though natural disasters like earthquakes are not preventable, the government is on making plans for mitigating loss," he said, adding that efforts to further systematize the pre-disaster information were underway.
As he said, the 2015 April 25 quake gave a new identity to Barpark as it was the epicenter of the major quake. He also pledged to take initiation for the timely completion of roads projects in Barpark and Barhakilo in the district.