Communication and Information Technology Minister Rekha Sharma has said that the management of new media can be done through self-regulation. Speaking at the 'Editorial Dialogue' program held by the Press Council Nepal in Bhaktapur on Monday, Minister Sharma said that self-discipline and self-regulation of the new media is a challenging issue, but it should be managed.
“New media is also media, it is also trying to move forward. What has changed in our society now? If we can't accept it, then it will become a dinosaur”, She said, “The biggest thing is self-regulation and code of conduct. If not, we need a law, let's think about it.” Minister Sharma said that it is necessary to highlight the positive aspects through the media. New media is also media, it is also trying to move forward.
“It is shown that if one journalist commits fraud, all journalists are frauds, if one politician commits fraud, all leaders are bad, if one employee commits fraud, and all bureaucracy is bad. We are starting to enjoy a little more negative news. It seems to be only negative. There is also a positive side in the society, let's encourage it.” Sharma said.
The chairman of the council, Balkrishna Basnet, said that the council is ready to move forward according to the suggestions after reviewing the changed practices of the media, the role and work of the council and the government. He said that there should be clear suggestions on such matters.
Presenting a working paper on new media and the challenge of following the code of conduct, former chairman of the council Rajendra Dahal said that there is no option to follow new media. Commenting on Dahal's working paper, senior journalist Kishore Nepal said that it is necessary to increase the dignity of the council. Similarly, senior journalist Babita Basnet said that even those who have spent a long time in journalism are trying to get used to the new media, so there is a need to redefine the media.
In the discussion, Senior Vice President of Federation of Nepali Journalists FNJ Ramesh Bista, former Presidents of FNJ Shiva Gaule and Dr. Mahendra Bista, Editors Tirtha Koirala, Prateek Pradhan, Amit Dhakal, Dilbhusan Pathak, Tikaram Yatri, Sagar Pandit, Sarita Sri Gyawali, Debika Gharti Magar and others expressed their opinions.
As part of the program, there will be a discussion on the utility of social media and its management on Tuesday.